7Geese Integrates its Social Performance Management Software With Microsoft-Owned Yammer

By: Jeff Stewart  |   March 16th, 2013   |   Business, News, O Canada, Social Media

The social performance management software, 7Geese, announced on Thursday, March 14 that it has created an integration with Microsoft’s Yammer, a social networking site for enterprises. As a result of this integration 7Geese will now provide its social performance management to the customers of Yammer. Social networking site’s customers can now download the 7Geese app from the App Directory of the website. On this occasion Senior Technical Partner Manager for Yammer, Sidd Singh, spoke about how the integration between 7Geese and his company took place and said, “We met the 7Geese leadership team at the Yammer Hacktoberfest Hackathon last October, where they built and demoed their first version of the 7Geese Yammer app. We are excited to finally introduce the 7Geese social performance management app to Yammer customers.”


Explaining how to use the app, 7Geese said that it was quite straight forward and all users needed to do is sign in by using their Yammer ID after which they can view recognitions and goal updates in the Activity Stream for Yammer.


CEO of 7Geese, Amin Palizban explained it by saying that, “In the social business era, companies are becoming more transparent and decentralized, something that Yammer really helps organizations do. When organizations are decentralized and employees are empowered to make decisions, alignment becomes important to make sure everyone is on the same page at all times. That’s where 7Geese comes in—to help organizations align their workforce to company objectives and values, making sure people are making the right decisions and moving in the same direction.”


The basic purpose of 7Geese’s performance management software is to give power to employees so they could achieve their goals more efficiently, receive feedback continuously and get recognition in an active social environment. In this way 7Geese helps organizations divert their attention towards engaging people, enhancing the culture of the company and improving goals to help achieve sustainable growth in the long-term.


In brief 7Geese is an ideal solution for organizations that have moved away from traditional control and command management to partnering with individuals in order to free the human spirit when at work. Therefore, to help organizations improve culture and performance by aligning their employees with the values and objectives of the company, 7Geese has recently secured funds from some prominent angels in Canada in December. These funds have not only helped 7Geese to work more smoothly and effectively in the field, but the Vancouver-based company was also able to establish a good repute as well.


Source: TechVibes

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