Alicia Keys Tweets From iPhone After BlackBerry Endorsement Deal

By: Talha Bhatti  |   February 12th, 2013   |   Business, News, O Canada, Smartphones
BlackBerry 10

On January 30, 2013 Canadian technology giant BlackBerry introduced the world to its highly anticipated BlackBerry 10 platform and related devices. The company not only changed its name from Research In Motion to BlackBerry but also introduced popular recording artist and singer Alicia Keys as their new Creative Director. This is the title that many company are giving their celebratory endorsers and BlackBerry spared no expense in claiming Keys as their spokesperson. When the new Creative Director was announced at the world wide BB10 launch event she gave an interesting speech in which she mentioned that she had dropped her iPhone for the new all touch BlackBerry 10 smartphone, the Z10. However its seems that she really has not given up her Apple device because she sent out a tweet on February 11 from her iPhone. This is only a month after she began endorsing BB10.


The tweet grabbed the attention of many technology sites and blogs who gave the story traction before it got reported on more main stream sites. Once the story started picking up steam, Keyes deleted the tweet and sent another tweet in which she claimed her Twitter account had been hacked.


Although this may be an embarrassing episode it is not the first time that a celebrity has been caught or been made to look like they are using the wrong product. A little while ago Oprah was seen tweeting through an iPad even though she endorses Microsoft’s Surface.


BlackBerry has been struggling over the last few years as rivals like Apple and Google have grabbed users and market share. BB10 is supposed to the Canadian firm big comeback and many of the company’s hopes are riding on the latest platform being successful in helping the company return from the brink of collapse. The firm has spared no expense in the promotion of its latest products and mobile OS including the celebrity endorsement of Keys. Other than the massive marketing campaign taking place across the globe, BlackBerry made sure they attracted developers to their platform. The company claimed they would have 70, 000 apps ready before the launch of the new platform which would include many popular apps from the iOS and Android platforms.


It is too early to decide whether BlackBerry has been successful in recovering market share but initial reports seem to be positive and the Canadian company may live to fight another day if it can retain its current momentum.

Source: Business Insider

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