Plex Updates its Android App, Adds Media Player, Offline Sync and More

By: Jeff Stewart  |   February 13th, 2013   |   Android, Google, News, Smartphones, Tablets

The media player, Plex, announced on Tuesday, February 12 that it has updated the Android version of its app for PlexPas users. That means users who paid for the premium services will get the update for the app. This new edition of Plex’s Android app not only has a new design that is inspired by Holo guidelines, but it also offers plenty of new features and lot more to give users a painless experience. The Android version of Plex app now has the latest browsing interface that offers unlimited scrolling from a first to last list, quick application of filters, grainy bandwidth levels to watch films, a novel music playing interface along with terrific album art and much more. The top new feature this Android app from Plex boasts is the usage of devices as a server. In addition to this, now users can watch films through the app  on Wi-Fi enabled tablets from their smartphones or vice versa.


Plex will make this new edition of its app available on Google Play within this week, from where users can download it without paying a single penny. When the app comes out of beta testing, users of of the $4.99 Plex app will also be able to get the updates. Certain features like offline syncing will only be available to paying customers.


In brief, Plex has covered a long way in a short time and according to its founder Elan Feingold, “when it first came out, Android was crap.”

Feingold also wrote on his blog that:

“When we first started with Plex for Android, the edit/build/deploy cycle was glacial. So bad that when the app finally ran, you literally forgot what change you were deploying to test. That bad. Google should have focused earlier and with more passion on tooling. Empower the developers, and you’ll reap the rewards when they empower your platform. Annoy your developers, and you’ll have a software ecosystem problem.


Today, that problem is mostly solved. I can edit and deploy to my Nexus 7 in a few seconds. The x86 emulator is much faster than the emulator of yesteryear, running inside a Linux VM, on top of an emulated ARM processor (apparently nobody watched Inception). There are still annoyances, and IntelliJ’s UI designer for layouts is sadly primitive compared to Visual Studio, but it’s much, much better.


So where does that leave Android, and perhaps more importantly, Android users? In a good place, and getting better. For the first time ever, you can actually find Android software which is comparable (and sometimes ever better) than the iOS versions. As an example, I love the Lantern Campfire app. It runs in the background, notifies me of new messages, and looks infinitely better than 37 Signals’ pathetic excuse for an official app.”


Source: MobileSyrup


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