Instagram Claims 100 Million Monthly Active Users After Touching 90 Million Mark A Month Ago

By: Ali Raza  |   February 28th, 2013   |   News, Social Media

The renowned social networking and photo-sharing service, Instagram, has recently declared that it has achieved 100 million monthly active users. The service has been able to reach the milestone just one month after it announced that they achieved 90 million monthly active users. So in this short span, Instagram has been able to get strong growth of 11.11 percent. Instagram surpassed the 100 million user mark just two years and six months after its launch in 2010, the latest announcement is of monthly active users and should not be confused.


Instagram started to report the MAU metric “after recent terms of service changes were rumoured to cut user numbers drastically,” according to TNW. These reports came in after some sites claimed that a reduction of 50 percent or more was observed by utilizing the numbers from AppData after the terms of service changed. However, according to TNW’s Robin Wauters, who also had a look at these numbers found that “almost all Facebook connected apps logged a ‘holiday dip’ and that Instagram was probably not suffering as deeply as many felt.”


In the previous month, Instagram made it known that the site is handling nearly 40 million pictures during a single day, 8,500 likes every second and 1,000 comments a second. Apart from this, an engineering post also surfaced in the previous month, which states that the social network and photo sharing site is actually catering to 10,000 likes in each second during peak hours. So it seems that whatever anyone claims there is no stopping Instagram.


On this gratifying occasion the founder of Instagram, Kevin Systrom, posted some of his thoughts in a blog post. “One night soon after launch, about a half-mile away, Giants Stadium was full of fans cheering on their team in a race for the NLCS against the Philadelphia Phillies…While we may only have had a few thousand people around the world using Instagram that night, we had a sense that maybe through Instagram we could tune in to what was happening just a few steps away.”


“With a few quick commands at his terminal, my co-founder Mike’s screen filled with images of the game: the bullpen, dugout, concession stands, cheering fans and a panoramic view from somewhere up high…Now, nearly two and a half years later, over 100 million people use Instagram every month. It’s easy to see this as an accomplishment for a company, but I think the truth is that it’s an accomplishment for our community.”


Source: TNW

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