Google Ships First Batch of Google Glass Explorer Edition to Developers

By: Ali Raza  |   April 16th, 2013   |   Gadgets, Google, News

Developers cannot wait to get their hands on the Explorer Edition prototypes of Google Glass after last week when the search engine giant promised developers that they will be able to get their hands on the device in a month’s time. Surprisingly the 30 day-long wait has now turned into a few days, as Google has sent out an email to every Glass Explorer developer on its list on Monday, April 15th, which reads that its production line had already produced a few wearable augmented reality glasses. Here is what the Glass Team wrote in the email, “We’ve been working hard on the Glass Explorer Edition and we have great news: the hardware and software are now ready for you. We’re seeing the first few devices come off the production line right now.”


Google also mentioned in the email that rather than waiting for all the glasses to be ready in one go, the company decided to start shipping the developer devices in batches. Google wrote, “We’re producing enough for everyone, but only a portion of them are ready today. Therefore, we’ll be notifying you in waves.”


Google Glass is quite alike traditional eyeglasses and it comes with a camera that can snap photos, record videos. In addition, the wearable tech will also allow the user to chat with their online buddies, search for facts on the Web, obtain directions and do much more. It is anticipated that Glass will be made available to general customers by the end of this year.


Here is the full email that Google has sent to developers:


“Dear Explorers,


It’s been a little under a year now since Google I/O — you came to the keynote, we jumped out of an airship, and when we landed, we asked you to join us on this unpredictable yet exciting journey. Back then, we had no idea how Glass would be received. In just two and a half days, we went from 0 to around 2000 Explorers: people who believe in the project, who are ready for a challenge and who will (most importantly) help shape the future of Glass.


Ever since then, we’ve been working hard on the Glass Explorer Edition and we have great news: the hardware and software are now ready for you. We’re seeing the first few devices come off the production line right now.


We know you’ve been standing by patiently to get Glass. So, instead of waiting for all of the devices to be ready, we want to start delivering them to you now. We’re producing enough for everyone, but only a portion of them are ready today. Therefore, we’ll be notifying you in waves, and as soon as we’re ready to invite you, we’ll let you know. When the time comes, you’ll receive an email with all the details.


Thanks for believing in us from the start. We’re very lucky to have you all as our first pioneers, and we can’t wait to celebrate with you once you’ve all received your Glass.


Here’s to the next step.


The Glass Team”


Source: CNET, TNW

Photo: RevisedClothingCo

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