Halifax The Last Stop For Cross-Country BlackBerry Jam Starter Sessions

By: Talha Bhatti  |   April 17th, 2013   |   Business, News, O Canada, Smartphones

Canadian technology giant BlackBerry has invested a lot of time and resources into the release of its new BlackBerry 10 platform and since it was released in February of 2013 the company has put every effort into making the product a success. The former smartphone leader has so far launched BB10 in 20 countries and expanded the app store to include a whopping 80,000 apps from developers. The Canadian firm realized that one of their stumbling blocks had been not recognizing the important nature of third party apps for a successful smartphone. BlackBerry embarked on a mission to correct this before the launch of BB10 by bringing developers to its platform. The company is now continuing that trend by working with Wavefront to start a “BlackBerry Jam Starter Sessions” which will go around Canada to get developers excited about the BB10 ecosystem.
Tom Anderson spoke about the developer outreach program and said that, “The BlackBerry Jam Starter Session will take you through the basic principles of building BlackBerry apps, with an overview of what to expect through the process. After the session, you will have the opportunity to start building your own BlackBerry apps with support from on-site BlackBerry Evangelists.”
The BlackBerry Jam Tour will be making its last stop in Halifax on Thursday, April 18 and people that want to attend the event can still buy tickets.


The iconic BlackBerry smartphone once ruled the smartphone sector but over that past few years competition from Apple and Samsung have destroyed the device makers market share. Competition from Google’s Android operating system has also caused the company to lose customers to newer devices and app ecosystems. The BB10 platform was a much hyped upgrade from the company which is near failure. The company is hoping that the new OS and related devices will be able to keep the company afloat against some very tough competition.


Many believe that the Canadian firm has learned a lot from its past mistakes and is doing every thing in its power to claw back to the top of the smartphone ladder. This includes pushing the BB10 app marketplace called App World by offering top apps from other platforms and other services like music. The company is also launching new devices like the all-touch Z10 along with an updated QWERTY keyboard phone called the Q10. BlackBerry is also rumored to be getting ready to release a tablet and a hybrid phablet device.


Source: TechVibes

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