Yahoo Acquires To-Do App Astrid, Will Continue to Offer its Present Services for 90 Days

By: Ali Raza  |   May 2nd, 2013   |   Business, Google, News

Astrid, a to-do list app, has announced on May 1st that it has been acquired by Yahoo and the app will continue to run in its present condition for the next 90 days. Astrid basically enables users not only to create a to-do list, but it also sync their list with the TaskRabbit API so they could outsource tasks, which they do not wish to do themselves. The co-founder of Astrid, Jon Paris, on this occasion thanked their mentors and investors, which includes AngelPad, Thomas Korte, Jump Associates, Google Ventures along with its Startup Lab,  anonymous investors and others. He had also made it known that Astrid app has been downloaded by users more than 4 million times. Paris has divulged this by posting the announcement on the company’s website


“Friends of Astrid,


We are thrilled to announce that we have been acquired by Yahoo!. When we set out to build Astrid, we sought to help as many people as possible become happier, healthier and more productive. We’re really excited to join the mobile team and continue this work with Yahoo!’s goal of “making the world’s daily habits more inspiring and entertaining.”


Over the next 90 days, Astrid will continue to work as is, and we will no longer be accepting new premium subscriptions. To make future changes as easy as possible, we’ll be in touch with users shortly to share how to download data.


We are grateful to the more than 4 million of you who have downloaded our apps, to those who have shared Astrid with friends, family and co-workers, and to all who encouraged us with your kind words along the way. You honored us in so many ways, and we won’t forget you.


We are also grateful to our many mentors and investors:


– Thomas Korte and AngelPad for your sage advice and assembling a tremendous community of entrepreneurs.

– Google Ventures and the team at the Startup Lab for teaching us so much.

– Nexus Venture Partners, TMT Investments, and the amazing angel investors who provided the resource and support we needed to build our products and company.

– Jump Associates and LUXr for helping us understand our users and build products people love.


To all of you, in both big and small ways you have helped us achieve the success we enjoy today. It is our sincere hope that our work will help you come closer to your own dreams.




Jon Paris & the Astrid Team.”


Source: TNW, Astrid

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