Apple Adds Samsung Galaxy S IV to List of Devices for Spring 2014 Lawsuit

By: Jeff Stewart  |   May 23rd, 2013   |   Apple, Google, News, Smartphones

Several reports have earlier indicated that Apple was requesting courts to add the flagship smartphone from Samsung, the Galaxy S IV, to a list of infringing devices in the ongoing patent law suit against the South Korean company in California. Now it is officially confirmed that Apple has finally filed a motion with the court, which claims that the Galaxy S IV has infringed five patents, whereas two other Siri related copyrights were violated by Google Now. According to 9to5Google, “Apple had previously claimed that the Android Google search box feature on Samsung devices infringed the same patents, but is now moving to have Google Now included alongside the S4.”


Below is the extract from Apple’s filing:


“To further complicate matters, Apple’s infringement analysis of the ’604 and ’959 patents focuses on Google functionality that Samsung incorporates into its devices. For example, in its original contentions, Apple identified Google’s “Quick Search Box” found on the accused Samsung phones as satisfying the limitations of the ’604 and the ’959 patents. Since Apple initially served those infringement contentions, however, Google released the Google Now search application, which,in some instances, replaces the Quick Search Box, but incorporates the relevant ’604 and ’959 patented functionality. Google did not begin production of the source code for this application until at least the beginning of April.


Moreover, as a direct result of the new claim construction, Apple was required to investigate the Google Play Books, Google Play Music, Google Play Movies and TV, Google Play Store and Android Market developed by Google. Google did not fully produce the source code for these apps until May 13, 2013.”


However, in order to add Galaxy S IV in the list of infringed items, Apple had to let go one of the 22 devices from the index, for the spring 2014 trial. The court war between the two companies is not new, as it’s been several years now since they are looking to beat one another in the courts. So far Apple has the upper edge, as in 2012 US court has found Samsung guilty for infringing Apple’s patents. Therefore, the US court ruled the verdict in Apple’s favour by ordering Samsung to pay the Cupertino-based company $1.049 billion in terms of damages. On the other hand, Samsung did not get a single penny in its counter suit.


Although, Apple is aggressively following the current law suit, it is hard to predict what happens this time, as the infringed devices list includes new Samsung devices.


Source: 9to5Mac

Photo: 9to5Mac

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