BlackBerry Claims More Than Half of US Fortune 500 Companies are Currently Testing or Using the New BB10

By: Jeff Stewart  |   June 8th, 2013   |   Business, News, O Canada, Smartphones

BlackBerry has revealed that more than half of the Fortune 500 companies that are based in the US are currently either testing the brand new mobile platform from the company or have already adopted it. To be precise, about 60 percent of the US Fortune 500 companies are using BB10 or testing it to become a potential user of the new ecosystem from the Canadian company and all this is taking place at a time when the telecom carriers in the states are making the Q10 available for sale in the country. The US market is certainly a big fish for Waterloo-based BlackBerry because it is a very karge and mature market which the Canadian smartphone maker does not have significant share when compared to Apple and Samsung.


However, this was not the case few years ago, as BlackBerry used to have a decent base of customers in the US, but the with the introduction of Apple’s iPhone and the Galaxy range of Samsung phones the Canadian company started losing its share in the market. Nevertheless, now with its next gen mobile platform BlackBerry is looking to gain its market share back, which it had lost to Apple and Samsung earlier. If BlackBerry manages to bounce back in the US market it would not only tremendously help the company in boosting revenue, but also have positive impact over the future prospect of the company.


During an interview with Reuters, Chief Executive Officer of BlackBerry, Kristian Tear said that, “This is a very exciting day for us, launching with all four major U.S. carriers. There are a lot of very loyal BlackBerry keyboard users out there who have been waiting for this and I think, with the Q10, we will also be able to win back prior BlackBerry customers, who are now trying other platforms.”


The new ecosystem has surely given BlackBerry a new life, as the company has not only managed to lure more customers with its new range of smartphones, but was also able to improve its earnings. Moreover, the new mobile platform has also pushed up the price of BlackBerry stocks after they hit the lowest mark.


CEO Thorsten Heins and his team have worked really hard to develop a new ecosystem for BlackBerry and so far the company has announced three new BB10 smartphones, while the fourth device is also ready to make its debut. All in all, BlackBerry will launch six new BB10 devices during this year.


Source: TechVibes

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