Amazon Web Services Brings in New SDK Support for Microsoft Windows Store Apps and Windows Phone

By: Jeff Stewart  |   August 3rd, 2013   |   News

Support for Microsoft Windows Store Apps and Windows Phone is growing and Amazon Web Services has recently added more SDK support for the platform. AWS announced its new SDK support for Microsoft workloads through a post on its blog, which says that it has made the support available with a Developer Preview of the next edition of the AWS SDK for .NET. Now developers can connect Windows Store apps or Windows Phone to AWS services and can create a cross-targetted app that is supported by AWS. Moreover, the new addition also provides support for both Android and iOS platforms along with Windows.


Announcing and explaining the new feature, AWS announced on its post that:


“Over the last few months, we have released a number of enhancements to help customers and partners build their Microsoft Windows centric workloads on AWS.  Just last week, we announced guidance for running Exchange Server in the AWS Cloud which builds on our guidance for SQL Server and SharePoint.  When it comes to .NET developers, we have provided tools such as our AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio and the AWS SDK for .NET.  In fact, we recently started a .NET Development blog so Windows developers can get tips and tricks on how to best program .NET applications using AWS.


Our Microsoft tooling doesn’t stop there.  If PowerShell is what you use to automate Windows, we have the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell.  We recently enhanced our PowerShell tools with automatic paging for large result sets and improved support for piping the output of a one cmdlet to another cmdlet.


Today, I’m happy to announce the Developer Preview of the next version of our AWS SDK for .NET.  This release of the SDK adds two major enhancements for .NET developers.


The first is support for the Microsoft Windows Store and Windows Phone applications.  With the new SDK, you can connect your Windows Phone or Windows Store apps to AWS services and you can build a cross-targeted application that’s backed by AWS.  With this release, we add Windows Phone support to our growing SDK support for different mobile operating systems including our SDK for iOS and SDK for Android.


The other big enhancement is our support for the task-based asynchronous pattern.  This pattern uses the async and await keywords and makes programming asynchronous operations against AWS easy.  For example, you can now upload files to S3 asynchronously like this:

async Task UploadFile(string bucketName, string filepath)


var s3Client = new AmazonS3Client();

var request = new PutObjectRequest()


BucketName = bucketName,

FilePath = filepath



await s3Client.PutObjectAsync(request);

Console.WriteLine(“File Uploaded”);


Then this function could be called asynchronously like this:


await UploadFile(bucketName, filepath);”


Source: TechCrunch, AWSBlog

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