Brazilian Prosecutors Drags Samsung to Court to Seek $110 Million in Damages for Violating Labour Rights

By: Ali Raza  |   August 23rd, 2013   |   Business, News

ReporterBrasil, one of the leading Brazilian  that reports on labour rights issues in the country, has recently reported that local prosecutors have dragged South Korean OEM Samsung to court by filing a law suit against the company. According to ReporterBrasil, prosecutors have filed this lawsuit against Samsung for providing a poor working environment to its workers in one of the factories located in the country. Highlighting the plant in which the Ministry of Labour (MPT) had found poor working conditions, the news agency reported that Samsung’s factory in Zona Franca de Manaus had violated labour rights. It is this very Samsung plant in which the company assemble a number of its smartphones, which are then shipped to Latin American countries.


Here is an excerpt from the original report of ReporterBrasil: “The lawsuit filed by prosecutors is based on the assessment notices by registered auditors of the Ministry of Labour and Employment (MTE) after two inspections made at the factory in Manaus – one in May 2011 and another in May this year. Through technical analysis, they found that the employees of South Korean company come to hold three times more strokes per minute than the limit considered safe for ergonomic studies.”


The translated infractions of the report indicated that workers used to spend more than 10 to 15 hours on their feet during a day and that too without taking a break for up to 27 working days straight. As a result of this situation the employer received about 2,018 requests from workers to be released from their duties due to health conditions. It is said that around 5,600 people work in that plant of Samsung:


“Over the Last year, back problems, tendonitis, and cases of Bursitis, and other disturbances Work Related Musculoskeletal (called DORT) generated 2.018 requests for withdrawal…”


“The frantic pace and repetitive movements typical of the production line are also compounded by flaws in the ‘layout of jobs “- as the height of tables and inappropriate lack of chairs for rest, for example. “The company does not have the appropriate management of occupational health. She is not worried in fact in solving the problem,” said Romulo Lins, tax auditor MTE.


Due to this serious situation the lawsuit is seeking roughly 250 million reais or approximately $110 million US for workers from Samsung in terms of damages. When Samsung was contacted by ReporterBrasil to comment on the lawsuit, the South Korean company issued the following statement:


“Once we receive notification about this case, we will perform an analysis of the process and will cooperate fully with the Brazilian authorities.” Company’s spokesperson also said that they are “committed to providing our employees around the world work environment that ensures the highest industry standards regarding safety, health and well-being.”


Source: 9to5Google

Photo: Mashable

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