Apple Expected to Present New iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C on September 10

By: Talha Bhatti  |   August 14th, 2013   |   Apple, Business, News, Smartphones

AllThingsD has claimed that its sources which have solid ties to Apple have confirmed that the iPhone event will take place on September 10. also reported the news and added that Apple has not made an official announcement as yet but there is strong chances the event will take place in the second week of next month. According to sources, Apple is likely to present the brand new iPhone 5S and the iPhone 5C on that date but how much they cost to the end users is still unknown.


Horace Dediu of Asymco has forecasted the price based on data already available on the internet to guess at the price. Although the pricing pattern for iPhone is quite similar to that of iPad, there is a key difference in pricing strategy. Dediu compiled pricing information for both devices and suggested that the answer is in the way the iPad mini has been marketed by the company.


“The average selling price (ASP) of the two products lines reveals an interesting story: assuming that the iPhone 4 and 4S will be retired, Dediu says. The lower-cost iPhone, the 5C, will take up the trajectory of the 4S, and the iPhone 5S will take the upper bracket. This puts the iPhone 5C price between $400 and $500 — which could reinforce an earlier iPhone 5C price rumour — while the high-end handset will continue to be priced as usual”, revealed


When the ASP or average selling price of both products were compared, it was revealed that the iPhone 4 and 4S may completely disappear from the market and the lower cost 5C could take up the place of the 4S. The iPhone 5S which belongs to the upper bracket is likely to be priced between $400 and $500, which is in the same price range as the earlier iPhone price rumor.


“If you look at the iPad, ignoring the legacy iPad 2 (which I presume sells mostly to educational institutions) the replacement of the iPad 3 was with a “bracketed” portfolio of the higher-priced iPad 4 and the lower-priced iPad mini. Note also that the mini reflects similar pricing to the legacy iPad 2. My second assumption is therefore that the 5S and 5C will form a similar bracket as the new iPads did. I also assume that the iPhones 4 and 4S will be retired. This means that the 5C will take up the trajectory of the 4S while the 5S will take up the upper bracket around $650”, said Dediu.


However, according to, the lower cost iPhone buyers will continue to benefit from low lost iPhone as the Dediu’s forecast does not talk about the impacts of latest iPhones release on the end user pricing.

Source: iPhone In Canada

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