WORD IS: RIM’s BB10 Devices and Operating System are Getting Great Reviews

By: Kuljit Grewal  |   August 25th, 2012   |   News, O Canada, Tablets

We would be vehemently lying if we said that we were not hoping that RIM would regain its footing and be the tech comeback story of 2013. Call me a Nationalist or just a sucker for a great comeback, but having more quality mobile devices in the market does nothing but help the industry and users overall.


As we shared with you last weekend, RIM is in the process of taking its BB10 show on the road, debuting two beta devices running the latest software for carrier partners in Canada and the U.S.. According to the good people at AllThingsD, the response RIM has been getting back has been very positive.


Granted a company executive is rarely going to say that their company’s product is a piece of garbage, however consensus from people who have had time with the devices themselves corroborates the positive sentiments. Mobile Syrup’s Daniel Bader had a chance to attend the BlackBerry 10 Jam in Waterloo yesterday and had some awesome stuff to share.


The devices that are being totted around are finished products in terms of hardware, with only software tweaks remaining moving forward. It was confirmed that the 25,000 PlayBook apps will all be available on BB10 devices as well as a plethora of BlackBerry 10 native apps. According to Bader, the devices have a great feel to them and the high resolution screens (TQ was on it) provide for a rich and pixel-dense experience. The touch keyboard allows for typing that is as fast or faster than other touch devices currently on the market. The devices are also expected to be powered by Qualcomm’s latest and greatest S4 Pro chipset (TQ was on it).


The touchscreen device will release in early 2013 with the QWERTY product following four to six weeks later. We are happy to hear about the reviews and wish RIM the best of luck as they introduce their BB10 devices to European and Asian carriers in the coming weeks.

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