Venture Capital Firms Find Canada Second Most Attractive Country In The World

By: Talha Bhatti  |   September 17th, 2012   |   Business, News, O Canada

Canada’s southern neighbor has been able to overshadow its northern brothers in the startup sector for many years but it seems that the Canadians have started to catch up. In 2008, the country was ranked in third place on the Global Venture Capital and Private Equity Country Attractiveness Index which measures how desirable a country is to venture capitals and private equity investors. Canada jumped to second when the index was issued again in 2012 after it pushed the United Kingdom from the second place slot and claimed a 96.8 score.


The rest of the top spots on the index stayed fairly the same as the Unite States retained its first place with a score of 100. The United Kingdom lost out to Canada as it moved to third place with 95.1. The Japanese were unable to make any improvements and stayed put in fourth place while Singapore climbed the ladder to fifth place. Rounding off the rest of the top nine countries on the index were Hong Kong, Australia, Sweden and Germany.


The jump in the ranking was a positive sign for Canada and an indicator that the country’s policies are helping attract capital for start ups and innovation.  Some important factors according to the index that have helped Canada is the fact that the depth of capital market has improved and is now ranked second overall. Improvements in Canada’s economic activity and taxation have also helped increase the overall score for the country. The human and social environment has held steady, further boosting attractiveness for VC’s.

Source: TechVibes

Photo: IESE

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