Canada Based Printchomp Showcases Its Business At TechCrunch Disrupt

By: Talha Bhatti  |   September 25th, 2012   |   Business, News, O Canada

A Canadian start-up by the name of Printchomp debuted at the Techcrunch Disrupt convention in San Francisco. The Waterloo based technology company was located in the Startup Alley section of the conference. Printchomp offers users an easier and much more efficient marketplace to purchase and order print material. The firm aims to solve a problem that many designers, businesses and other institutions face when dealing with a confusing marketplace. The company has been able to leverage online technologies and a system through which customers can quickly get to what they require and place an order.


Printchomp was started by Joseph Puopolo, who is a UX expert and technology blogger. The firm has grown to a team of seven people. Printchomp has been in action only a few months after being founded in March 2012 but the company seems to be on its way and has had a good response at the TechCrunch Disrupt conference.


Printchomp allows users to “search, order and track their print job, quickly customize their print job, and choose the right printer based upon location, price and quality.” On top of this, the startup has tried to reduce the long negotiation and order placement process by standardizing the order sheet. They have divided the site up into categories based on the type of print jobs. So if a customer is looking to order business cards, all they have to do is clock on that section and use the same form to place an order with any of the printers in the marketplace. This cuts out a lot of the confusion that customers face when dealing with printers and it also saves printers time by making orders simple and straight forward. This should be something that makes it attractive to customers that are intimidated by the print industries notoriously complicated ordering process. Customers looking to save money and time will also find the Printchomp model interesting.


Source: TechVibes

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