Canadian Use Social Media To Help Missing Children Society of Canada

By: Talha Bhatti  |   October 5th, 2012   |   News, O Canada, Social Media

The Missing Children Society of Canada (MCSC) has embraced modern technologies to create new ways to help Canadian communities search and find missing children across the country. The MCSC  has developed numerous innovative tool to help in the search for missing children through individual engagement tools.


The work of the organization has come into the public eye thanks to the Poynt pushes in the recent cases of Kienan Hebert and Lindsay Nicholls. Canadians also got to see the organization’s work in the case of a missing child in Manitoba. According to details, the organizations tools have been used by 3 million Canadians and are growing thanks to the word of mouth.


MCSC has also become a useful organization for law enforcement agencies when they are unable to utilize the already existing missing person tools at their disposal. For example, in August 2012 the organization was contacted to help law enforcement agencies in locating a missing child. The missing child was a 16 year old female that had not been heard from for one month. MCSC used its Most Valuable Network to get 1 million social media hits and successfully located child in three days.


Amanda Pick, Executive Director of MCSC, spoke about the case and said, “Our recent push through Most Valuable Network highlights the value of these tools. We are proud to be AMBER Alert partners, but unfortunately this girl’s situation meant that she would be unable to qualify for an AMBER Alert. We are proud to offer law enforcement a complimentary tool to AMBER Alerts. MCSC can offer targeted tools that can also be effective at locating missing children who don’t fall under the AMBER Alert mandate as well as support our AMBER Alert partners when AMBER Alert situations arise.”


Pick added, “We have been stunned by the reach these tools have shown. Using technology, we are able to target specific locations important to missing children cases thus ensuring that individuals in the immediate area are aware of the situation. We knew technology could have the power to change the way we search for missing children, and Canadians have signed up to show their support for these tools. In fact, we have received inquiries from international organizations wanting to implement this innovative tool.”


Kudos to the MCSC for the often thankless work they do as well as their integration of technology into their work.


Source: Missing Children Society Canada

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