TagMyDoc, a Canada based startup, is offering users the ability to use 2D tags or QR Codes as they are more commonly known to share and collaborate on documents. Users can now utilize the popular tags to share documents they have stored in DropBox, Box and Microsoft Office. The start-up supports any type of document and has the ability to tag Word, Excel, PDF, Images, PowerPoint and Open Office files.
TagMyDoc is fairly straight forward and allows users to effortlessly put QR Codes on any document. Readers can then scan the code using a smart phone or other devices and download a copy to be stored on their mobile devices. TagMyDoc will find a home in many offices where signs or letters will come with the 2D codes that employees can scan and gain access to virtually. The system will also be a good tool for users who can add major bullet points or data to posters and when the QR Code is scanned the mobile user can get more detailed information in any format document.
TagMyDoc is also promoting the use of its system as a green way to share documents. The start-up allows users to use less paper or no paper at all when trying to disseminate documents to a lot of people. For example, if there is a large group of people at a conference or even lecture hall they can scan the show’s posters or QR codes within slide decks and get the required document instantly.
Another unique feature of the system is that TagMyDoc allows documents to become social, allowing scanned documents the ability to be followed and commented on. This allows a conversation to take place between a large group of people easily in a similar fashion to social networks. The concept is an innovative solution to several document issues and users should try out the system by checking out the company’s website.
Source: Nibletz