CNET Reports That Google and Samsung Developing Larger Tablet To Take On Apple’s iPad

By: Kevin Green  |   October 9th, 2012   |   Android, Gadgets, Google, News, Tablets

Technology news source CNET has reported that Google and Samsung are working on the Nexus 10 which will be a larger tablet similar in size to the the iPad. The report says that the device will be a 10.1-inch tablet and will be the up market version of the recently released Nexus 7. Google had a very successful launch of the smaller tablet over the summer, which many believe forced Apple to start on its own smaller iPad Mini.


Google brought its Nexus 7 tablet to life with the help of electronics manufacturer Asus. However, Samsung and Google have had a hardware relationship in the past when they worked on the Galaxy Nexus smartphone. Korean based Samsung has also had a lot of success with Google’s Android mobile operating system and knows how the company’s software works on an intimate level.


In the CNET report, an analyst at NPD Display Search named Richard Shim was the source of the information. He claims that he has confirmation from suppliers in Asia about the new tablet. Shim also added that Google and Samsung are going to produce a tablet at some point soon that will have more pixel density than the iPad 2.


The tablet market has become crowded very quickly but Apple’s iPad has held onto the top spot quite comfortably as the industry pioneer. However more recen competitors like Amazon and Barne and Noble have already announced larger tablets to take on the iPad meaning that the Kindle Fire and the Nook will now be going head on with Apple’s device. Microsoft also made a big splash with its own Surface tablet which has showcased an interesting magnetic keyboard and the ability to run PC programs. If the Google and Samsung rumor is true then the tablet space should become super competitive quite quickly.


There are even more rumors flying around the net including another Google and Asus partnership for a smaller $99 tablet to take on the rumored iPad Mini. Google does have a good app ecosystem and the tablets should not have problem with content. If any of the speculations are true than this Christmas will have an all out tablet war.


Source: Washington Post

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