Facebook’s App Centre is Going Global

By: Kuljit Grewal  |   July 15th, 2012   |   Business, News, Social Media

It has been nary a month since social networking giant Facebook joined other innovative parties in the creation of a platform specific App Center. The move was a step forward for the publicly traded company in terms of how users experience the site overall.  Beginning with a U.S. only rollout, the app center has now been made available in English speaking countries worldwide including presence on various continents and cultures (UK, India, New Zealand, South Africa to name a few).


Over the next few weeks, other non-English dominant nations will be added to the fray including Germany, Brazil, France, Russia, Spain and Taiwan. App developers who wish to have their apps displayed in various languages were tasked with providing app detail pages that were properly translated by Friday, July 13, 2012 in order to be fast tracked. This would provide said developers with a distinct advantage and incredible opportunity to receive exposure to high population markets such as Brazil and Russia as examples.


Facebook’s App Center allows users to browse categorized applications and download them for integration into their Facebook profiles. This allows them to share things such as Socialcam videos and Spotify song lists while also enjoying the bevy of games that are so popular with Facebooks 901 million international users. In fact, Facebook is so dependent on their games, most importantly those created by mobile gaming giant Zynga, that their games account of 15% of Facebook’s annual 2011 revenue.


The App Center rollout is yet another example of how Facebook and developers are bringing a better overall user experience, something that truly benefits all parties involved.


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