Aaron Sorkin Says Steve Jobs Biography Will Be Comprised of Three Backstage Scenes From Apple Product Events

By: Kevin Green  |   November 16th, 2012   |   Apple, News

Well known Hollywood screenwriter, Aaron Sorkin, talked about his upcoming Steve Jobs biography at the Hero Summit which is a “theatrical-journalism event.” During the interview Sorkin stated that the entire film would be divided in to three 30 minute scenes that will be set backstage at an Apple product launch event.


The idea is an interesting way to explore the dynamics and relationships between Jobs and his executives because all of them were usually present at Apple events. The launch of the products should also provide a lot of drama because of anticipation and the reception of the products as well as Job’s flare for the dramatic.


Sorkin is talking to real life friends and associates of Jobs like Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak to get his inspiration for being true to the main character. He adds that, “These people…revere him despite of the fact that he made all of them cry at one point. But he made all of them better.” Sorkin also talked about how Jobs once asked him to write a script for Pixar and stating that, “once you make them talk they won’t be inanimate anymore.”


Sorkin also hinted at the fact that the entire story will not be all inspiring stuff and could include some dark themes. He states that there is “no point in writing about someone unless they’re flawed.” Sorkin also spoke about the biography at the at the All Things D conference earlier in the year where he stated that, “It’s very difficult to shake the cradle-to-grave structure of a biography. Instead I’m going to identify the point of friction and focus on that.” He went on to say that, “It’s a little like writing about the Beatles. There are so many people out there that know so much about him and that revere him. I just saw a minefield of disappointment.”


Sony Pictures will be producing the movie and is hoping that Sorkin can bring the same magic as his previous screenplay, The Social Network.


Source: The Next Web

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