Mind Blowing Computer Graphics at 2012 Siggraph Asia Depicts the Future of the Technology

By: Ali Raza  |   December 1st, 2012   |   News

As time passes, computer graphic designers have produced such phenomenal graphics that with the advancements made in technology that it often feels that the work is an actual real life picture or movie. The most frequent place we bare witness to such visuals is in the abundance of Hollywood movies today. The film industry frequently uses CGI or Computer Graphic Images in their films. The Matrix trilogy, Jurassic Park and Star Trek series are some of the most prominent movies in which you will see some astounding computer graphics.


However, these accomplishments has not slowed down as the best brains in computer graphics business are now looking to take this technology to another mind boggling level. This new approach in computer graphics was exhibited at 2012 Siggraph Asia through a video, which suggests that human beings face still competition from computer imitate things in terms of how real they actually look. The computer graphics used in this video feel so real that it gets too tough to distinguish between reality and computer generated images.


The imitations of cloth that were shown in this video are developed from hyper-realistic wrinkling technology, while human hairs were modelled with the help of thermal imaging. In addition to this, the video also showed smoke in motion that looked quite real as well. A technical but awesome video appears below courtesy of the good people at Dvice.


This was not the first time when the cream of computer graphics have swept the people off their feet by displaying their skillful work at Siggraph (Special Interest Group on GRAPHics and Interactive Techniques). However, this new technology will definitely leave strong footprints in its wake, especially with gaming and film industries looking to create better visuals in their work.




Source: Gizmodo, Dvice

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