RIM Gets Slapped With Patent Infringement Lawsuit Relating To Bluetooth From Wi-Lan

By: Kevin Green  |   December 12th, 2012   |   Business, News, O Canada, Smartphones

Research In Motion got hit by another lawsuit on December 11 after patent licensing firm Wi-Lan went to court against the maker of the popular BlackBery smartphone. The lawsuit is related to Bluetooth technology and Wi-Lan claims RIM has infringed on patents the Canadian licensing firm owns.


Even though Wi-Lan is head-quartered in Ottawa and RIM is based in Waterloo, the business chose – the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida to file a case against the Canadian technology giant. In its claim, Wi-Lan states that RIM is not licensed to use its U.S. Patent No. 6,260,168 which is related to Bluetooth technologies and is infringing on its intellectual property. Wi-Lan currently licenses intellectual property to 255 companies around the globe and generates revenue from the money these businesses pay to utilize the patents. However, if a firm uses the patent without compensation to the owner the company loses revenue. That is why Wi-Lan has been aggressive with lawsuits and recently files cases against Apple, HTC and Sierra Wireless for patent infringement claims relating to LTE mobile technology.


Wi-Lan has stated that RIM’s PlayBook tablet and smartphones like Bold, Torch, Pearl and Storm are making use of Bluetooth related technology that is patented. A RIM spokesperson has stated in return that, “RIM will vigorously defend itself against patent infringement.”


Wi-Lan is asking the court for damages and preliminary and permanent injunctions that will stop RIM from infringing on the companies patents.


Wi-Lan recently suffered a setback in another lawsuit against when the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) upheld a lower court’s dismissal of a case against LG Electronics. The case revolved around V-chip technology and after the loss the company stated that, “Wi-Lan is surprised and disappointed by this decision. Wi-Lan is reviewing its options with counsel.”

Source: CrackBerry

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