VIDEO – GravityLight, An Innovative Lamp That Lights Using the Power of Gravity

By: Ali Raza  |   December 16th, 2012   |   Gadgets, Living, News

It was foretold on a number of occasions that in the coming years developing countries would face severe power outage issues due to a lack of resources and the ever increasing demand for said resources. As a result of this terrible forecast, engineers and designers across the globe having started making efforts to produce alternative and cheap sources of power in order to negate the crisis of energy.


Recently, two skillful designers Jim Reeves and Martin Riddiford, who are based out of London and work in the same field finally have developed a revolutionary idea to offer a sustainable solution for lighting. Their energy-saving resource is one that both developing and advanced nations of the world could benefit from greatly.


The duo have created a lamp that is solely powered by the force of gravity, a seemingly infinite resource. It is because of this very reason the two designers have named this innovative lamp the GravityLight. The creation could prove to be a perfect substitute for Kerosene lamps once it comes out of production.


The best thing about GravityLight is that it can be recharged in a mere 3 seconds by simply lifting the weight back to its original place to provide lighting for an additional 30 minutes. The weights used to light this lamp are placed in a sturdy mesh bag. These weights could be rocks or any other heavy material that can bring the bag down.


More importantly, the users of GrvaityLight will be able to power other electronic devices with this incredible lamp. These electronic devices could be a battery charger, radio or other similar devices. Above all, this innovative lamp uses no batteries, so users would not be require to dispose or replace anything.


These fine features together make GravityLight a completely green and clean proxy to lightning, which this duo is planning to gift to developing nations across the world, including India and Africa once they manufacture it. After seizing donations through Indiegogo, the funds raised will be use to manufacture, tool and distribute a minimum 1000 units of such lamps.


Apart from raising money through Indiegogo Reeves and Riddiford are also looking to get in touch with the NGO’s and associated to distribute GravityLight to as many countries as possible. Check out GravityLight’s Indiegogo video below.



Source: PSFK

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