Point Offers Marketers The Ability To Make Any Image Come Alive With Augmented Reality

By: Talha Bhatti  |   December 13th, 2012   |   Business, Mobile Apps, News

India-based startup Telibrahma is launching its eye popping mobile augmented reality technology in the US on December 11. The marketing platform has been behind award winning marketing campaigns from major brands like Coke, Nike, Johnson & Johnson, Nokia, Mercedes Benz, Toyota, BMW and GM.


The US market has not seen anything quite like Telibrahma’ Point platform until now. The real-time image and logo recognition technology requires only that a user take their smartphone with a point-enabled app and scan an augmented reality image. The image can be any sort of marketing product including magazine cover or page, a bus stop billboard, newspaper, or a point of entry. Once the image is scanned it can reveal an interactive 2D or 3D visual overlay which can bring the image alive.


A similar technology in current use is the QR code that many advertisers now add to their marketing which lets users scan the code and then access external content. However, the QR code has been a major let down because the people implementing these campaigns have not developed engaging contact for the technology. Point on the other hand does not need a code and any image can be turned into a trigger for content.


Point has realized that their campaigns need to amaze viewers in order to get the maximum benefit. That is why the company charges its customers fees on a cost per engagement basis and aligns itself to its customer’s goals. Every marketing campaign is then developed to get maximum results for the customers and in turn better revenue for Telibrahma.


Point will need to overcome some problems if it wants to dominate the market. Unlike QR Codes the company has no call to action and consumers will not have any visual cues about which image to scan with their Point mobile app. The company also needs to make a proprietary Point mobile app and this may be a problem because users will need to download it first before they can view the results of the AR technology.


Telibrahma has been through three fund raising rounds and has gotten $7.25 million so far.

Source: Pandodaily

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