Samsung Once Again Guides U.S. Mobile Marketshare, While Apple Maintains Strong Growth

By: Ali Raza  |   January 4th, 2013   |   Android, Apple, Business, Google, iOS, News, Smartphones

The worldwide leader of digital business analytics, comScore has just issued its report on U.S. mobile subscriber marketshare for the month of November 2012 and it depicts almost the same figures that we have come across in this company’s previous report for October 2012.


Famous South Korean mobile manufacturer Samsung still sits at the top, whereas Apple again showed steady growth like it has done in the previous report from comScore.


The MobiLens service of comScore has compiled this report after surveying 30,000 mobile subscribers in the U.S. within a three months average time period that ended on November 2012. In this period they have found that Samsung is the most famous Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) with consumers.


Samsung has topped this chart by grabbing a 26.9 percent market share, while Apple remained at number two position with 18.5 percent share, followed by another Korean electronics manufacturer LG with 17.5 percent and Motorola with 10.4 percent share.


However, when it comes to depicting strong growth, Apple once again showed the biggest increase with 1.4 percent and after it, Samsung remained the second best company in this regard.


When it comes to OS Google’s Android left its opponents way behind by showing 53.7 percent mobile phone subscription, whereas Apple’s iOS remained at second by accounting 35 percent subscription. As far as the growth in this sector is concerned Android again topped the chart by recording a 1.1 percent increase.


In contrast to Android, iOS achieved 0.7 percent growth, while Canada based Research In Motion’s (RIM) Blackberry platform remained at third position with 7.3 percent share after that Microsoft stands at number four with 3 percent share and then comes Symbian OS with 0.5 percent.


comScore also ranked “Mobile content usage” in its latest November 2012 report and according to it text messaging was at the top, while downloading of applications remained at second and browser usage remained at third.


Source: iPhoneinCanada

Photo: iPhoneinCanada

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