Train Your Brain to Get Focused

By: Jeff Stewart  |   January 9th, 2013   |   Health, Living, News

Staying focus is not only tough for many of us, but it is also an equally difficult task for the entrepreneurs, as they have to face so much distraction during a working day. This distraction includes the attention their clients, employees, phone calls and emails demand from them.


In addition, multitasking also lowers their IQ level because an entrepreneur fails to pay attention to a specific work, while attempting to juggle other things. Then there are those, who with the passage of time start to enjoy distractions resulting from the fact that they usually fail to focus on their actual goal.


However, the author of Your Brain at Work and the co-founder of the NeuroLeadership Institute, David Rock believe that at the middle of all these distractions and by understanding the limitation of a brain, one can still work their way to enhance their focus which will help a entrepreneur increase his or her productivity.


To begin with all a person need to do is just to spend a short time without any distraction during each day, as according to Rock, “Twenty minutes a day of deep focus could be transformative”.


Then, try to do some creative or tough work first thing in the morning rather than a tedious work followed by easy tasks because with every decision our mind tires. Therefore, ensure that you should do the tough tasks in the first half of the day and kept the easy ones like, scheduling meetings, deleting content from your PC for the second half. As Rock says, “An hour into doing your work, you’ve got a lot less capacity than (at the beginning). Every decision we make tires the brain.”


Intentionally allocate your time because after studying thousands of people, Rock realized that a person usually focuses only six hours during a week therefore he says that “You want to be really diligent with what you put into those hours”. So find out during which time of the day you can focus best and where you do your best thinking at work or at home then, allocate time to your toughest tasks accordingly. Because Rock’s studies make him believe that majority of the people focus best late in the night or in the morning and 90 percent think best when they are out of office.


As far as the multitasking norm is concerned you can avoid the distraction simply by switching off all the interruptions and then, divert your entire attention towards a single task. The best way to do this practice is by starting small for instance begin with five minutes of full attention during a day and then gradually work your way to increase this time duration. Do not let your mind wander during this specific time, it’s more like training your mind like a muscle or as Rock says, “It’s just like getting fit. You have to build the muscle to be focused.”


Source: Entreprenuer

Photo: Eq-Advantedge

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