2012’s Best Books on the Ever Changing World of Business

By: Umair Yousuf  |   January 10th, 2013   |   Business, O Canada

To succeed in business you need to be one step ahead of the game and what better way to learn about the latest concepts in the industry than picking up a good book on the subject.


2012 was a year in which a number of wonderful books authored by leading thinkers were published providing great insight into the ever evolving world of business. As the new year begins in earnest it is more important than ever for businessmen to supplement their business knowledge with the latest successful trends in the industry.


Mitch Joel, a leading businessman and author of the famous Six Pixels of Separation, recently released a list of the 10 best business books that were published in 2012 inspiring, motivating as well as providing a treasure trove of new business concepts.


The first book on his list Makers — The New Industrial Revolution by Chris Anderson, delivers a fascinating account of the future of business where technology will play a crucial role. The book looks at a future defined by 3D printing and manufacturing foreseeing a future where a “make” button will be available on every desktop.


Quiet — The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain is another book at the top of Joel’s list. The book details the power of introverts and delivers brilliant arguments on why being an introvert is not so bad but actually an advantage in the world of business.


Advertisers will love the topic of the next book. The Art of the Pitch — Persuasion and Presentation Skills that Win Business by Peter Coughterdeals with the main issue faced by many advertising agencies the world over, how to win new business for the agency. Written in a funny and pointed style the book is an excellent read providing great insights on how to clinch a deal and is useful not just for advertisers but also others who wish to learn the art of making the sale.


Damn Good Advice (For People with Talent!) — How To Unleash Your Creative Potential by America’s Master Communicator by George Lois is another book for marketers. The book though short is filled with great insight into the world of advertising.


Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly — How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead is another great book on Joel’s list. The author details the personalisation of business and why a smart businessman will bring emotions into leadership.


Steal Like an Artist — 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative by Austin Kleon, Joel clearly is in love with this book. However, he suggest that it should be read not like a normal text but as a reference whenever one is feeling stuck as its ideas have the tendency to inspire.


With today’s interconnected world it is not surprising that Joel’s list includes a book on making impact in social media. The Impact Equation — Are You Making Things Happen or Just Making Noise? by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith details the ways in which to make an impact online.


Continuing with social media Joel adds another amazing text in his list about this fast growing environment with 11 Rules for Creating Value in the Social Era by Nilofer Merchant.  A brilliant read the book delivers important insights on value creation in a segment that has taken the world by storm.


Joel finishes off his list with two books dealing with consumer behaviour. The (Honest) Truth about Dishonesty — How We Lie to Everyone-Especially Ourselves by Dan Ariely and Likeonomics — The Unexpected Truth Behind Earning Trust, Influencing Behavior, and Inspiring Action by Rohit Bhargava are fascinating reads on the topic which gain the reader’s attention with an amazing style of storytelling.


If you are looking to increase your business knowledge while gaining some fascinating insights into the ever changing world of business these books are a must read.


Source: Montreal Gazette


Photo: 123rf.com

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