Samsung Reveals First Flexible-Screened OLED Smartphone Prototype at CES 2013

By: Ali Raza  |   January 12th, 2013   |   News, Smartphones

So far Samsung has revealed several devices at the International Consumer Electronics Show 2013 in Las Vegas, but until Wednesday the South Korean manufacturer had not shown any of its highly anticipated mobile phones to visitors. The Verge was able to get a hold of a new kind of smartphone from Samsung after it showed off the flexible-screen device at it keynote yesterday. This first of its kind smartphone from Samsung is basically a flexible-screened OLED phone that was developed by keeping the idea of curved screen in mind. So the users can view the notifications on the side without physically taking out this smartphone from their pockets. This flexible-screened OLED phone from Samsung was a glimpse into the future, as this is how the next gen cellphones are probably going to look like.


The device also reveals the direction Samsung is working towards and where they are planning to take flexible OLED display technology. However, this flexible display smartphone from Samsung did not bear any code name because it was just a prototype. For now we are far away from seeing the final product and Samsung did divulge the specifications of their futuristic cellphone.


But in spite of this secrecy, the hands on experience has revealed some features of the flexible OLED display handset and one of them is that it has a screen display of about 5-inches and ratio aspect seemed to be around 16:9, whereas the resolution was “about” 720p according to reports.

Source: TheCellularGuru

Photo: TheCellularGuru

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