Positive Feedback on BB10 Enables RIM’s Stocks to Touch 11-Month High

By: Ali Raza  |   January 19th, 2013   |   Business, News, Smartphones

As more and more carriers and people test the next generation Blackberry 10 platform from Canadian technology giant Research In Motion the hype about the upcoming launch increases. With many Canadian telecom carriers announcing that they will offer BB10 to customers their seems to be a lot of positive feedback about RIM’s upcoming devices and software which has forced several stock analysts to push the ratings of the company’s shares up. Recent positive developments have really helped RIM’s stock price to jump up swiftly after hitting a single digit lows. The stock price went up and touched $11 mark and further positive feedback about the device and software has pushed RIM’s stock forward during most of this week. As a result of this RIM’s shares ended up touching an 11 month high by posting a six percent gain in price on Friday, January 18, 2013. The stock ended up trading at the $16 mark at one point during the day.


This was the highest price RIM’s stocks have achieved so far after early February 2012, but it is still lagging behind its 52 weeks high of $17.67. Nevertheless, the way things are going it does not seem a problem for RIM to achieve this mark as well, as there are just 10 days left in the launch of BB10. After which RIM’s next gen BB10 OS and devices will be ready to sell to the general public. Previous smartphones and devices from the firm have seen lackluster results due to intense competition form smartphone competitors like Apple. Google’s Android OS has also taken a huge market share from RIM and the Canadian firm is hoping that its soon to be released BB10 platform will be the return to glory for the firm.


Source: TechVibes

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