ChoreMonster Helps Kids Have Fun While Doing Chores

By: Talha Bhatti  |   January 22nd, 2013   |   Business, Mobile Apps, News

Mobile app, ChoreMonster, just got an update that has introduced a parents section, an updated Monster Carnival, and a new look for the kids section. The startup left beta in the beginning of 2013 and is a mobile and online platform to help children enjoy their chores while adults can monitor their activities. ChoreMonster also recently picked up $775,000 in VC funding for their company bringing their total to $1.15 million.


ChoreMonster got a public release “after eight months in private beta and with over 300,000 chores completed” for $4.99 a month. The online platform and mobile app give children for tasks or chores that they complete. These points are totaled up i their account and they can use them to purchase rewards that parents have pre-approved.


Founder of ChoreMonster, Chris Bergman, spoke with TechCrunch and spoke about several aspects of the business. He mentioned how children were reacting to the app by mentioning that, “Kids, in general, are more interested in collecting the monster characters than getting rewards. Actually, 63% care more about collecting monsters than they do about getting rewards from their parents for their chores.” Which shows that children were not really motivated by the physical reward but the ability to collect monsters. That means more monster from ChoreMonster may be coming soon.


Since startup is located in Cincinnati which is not a common spot for startups, Bergman also talked about how their location effected the business. He said, “Unique things are happening in the Midwest; people are more available, office space is cheap…there’s just a general honesty and authenticity here which is nice. We have to raise less money and give away less of our company to operate here, and that feels good.”

Source: TechCrunch

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