2013.CA Factbook Reveals Canadians Spend More Time on Internet Than Any Other Nation in the World

By: Ali Raza  |   January 24th, 2013   |   News, O Canada

People from all around the world spend enormous amounts of time on the internet but Canadians have them all beat and according to a new study they are ranked number one when it comes to spending time on line. The latest data from the 2013.CA Factbook of Canadian Internet Registration Authority, Canadians spend an average of 45 hours on the internet each month. The 2013.CA Factbook also revealed that Canadians are the largest consumers of broadband speed compared 19 other countries that were part of the study. The 2013 .CA Factbook not only gives an insight into the usage of internet in Canada, but it also offers data and research related to .CA’s global domain name industry.


It is because of this very reason, the President and CEO of CIRA, Byron Holland has said, “I believe that Canadians will find the information within the Factbook revealing. From the increasing consumption of media content online to the continued growth of .CA, the Factbook provides a snapshot of an Internet landscape in Canada and around the world that is constantly evolving.”


The Factbook also revealed that a majority (49 percent) of Canadians prefer to go with .ca for business rather than .com. As there are just 17 percent people in the country, who prefer .com over .ca. In addition to this, the report also mentioned that Canadians are also on top when it comes to viewing online videos in the world.


Source: TechVibes


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