Apple Hires Ex-CEO of Yves Saint Laurent, Paul Deneve, For Special Projects

By: Ali Raza  |   July 8th, 2013   |   Apple, Business, News

Adam Satariano of Bloomberg has reported that Cupertino-based Apple Inc. is apparently acquiring the services of famous luxury retail brand Yves Saint Laurent’s ex-CEO, Paul Deneve. According to the report, the former CEO of the retail giant, who has recently stepped down from his post, will now directly report to the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook on ‘special projects’. Initially many thought that Deneve might take up the long-vacant retail SVP post, which was earlier held by John Browlett. However, Apple cleared this confusion by giving a statement to Bloomberg in which the company said that: “We’re thrilled to welcome Paul Deneve to Apple. He’ll be working on special projects as a vice president reporting directly to Tim Cook.”


YSL on the other hand has replaced Deneve with Francesca Bellettini and the former CEO has admired this decision of bringing in the creative director and designer. Deneve also gave hints about his future plans at the time of his departure from YSL, as he said that he would “take up a new career opportunity in the high-tech industry.” This was not the first time that Apple was retained the services of Deneve, as between 1990 and 1997 he was an employee of the iOS device maker and had worked in the capacity of Sales & Marketing Manager of the company in Europe. However, now Deneve is once again all set to join Apple.


One reason behind re-hiring of Deneve could be Apple’s deep interest in wearable technology, which according to rumours the California-based tech giant has been working on for quite some time now. In fact, at the recent AllThingsD’s D11 conference Cook has spoken about wearable technology, but only indirectly. Still his statements give us an idea that Apple is seriously working on the new technology and Deneve’s hiring is a part of this plan, as he is good at marketing fashionable products.


“I think wearables is incredibly interesting, it could be a profound area, Cook continued. He said that Glass had some ‘positives’.


I wear glasses because I have to…I don’t know a lot of people that wear them that don’t have to, Cook added. People that do wear them want them to be light and unobtrusive, they generally want them to reflect their fashion and their style.


I wear this, it’s a FuelBand, Cook said about his wrist computer. It’s designed for a specific use…the ones that are doing more than one thing…there’s nothing great out there that I’ve seen. There’s nothing that’s going to convince a kid to wear glasses or a watch or a band who has never worn one to do so, that I’ve seen.


I think the wrist is interesting, said Cook in response to Mossberg. If we had a room full of 10 to 20 year olds and said everyone stand up that just has a watch on…I’m not sure anyone would stand up. Their watch is this, said Cook, holding up his white iPhone 5.”


Source: TNW

Photo: Vivifiano

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