Australian Teen Leaks Photos of new iPhone

By: Zain Nabi  |   September 4th, 2013   |   Apple, News

Sonny Dickson, a teenager boy who lives with his parents in suburban Melbourne, in order to catch the attention of the world has released the detailed pictures and videos on a new upcoming Apple’s iPhone.


Dickson leaked the detailed pictures of the new model of Apple’s iPhone with its rumored biometric fingerprint scanner. “While the design differences have yet to be technically assessed, they could have a whole lot to do with the rumored biometric fingerprint scanner that numerous pundits and analysts have predicted. In fact, we’d count on it,” Dickson said on his website,


Apple has controlled the information about the pictures of its new product before the launch as customers are showing a lot interest to see the new iPhone. According to different reports, Apple will be launching its two new models this year, in which one is a much cheaper version that a person with a tight budget can also afford. Also, the phone contains a new fingerprint technology known as iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C.


The 5C model will come in more than five colors in order to differentiate the device with more expensive models that they will only launch in black and white, according to different sources. Dickson told media that he knows more than five to six sources in China who directly buys the prototype parts of Apple from the workers of factory-line, which they sold for $250 to $500. These sources sent him the photos and videos which he submitted on the websites and YouTube under his name, which generate ad revenue.


“I’ve been doing this for many years, so I know what looks fake and what’s not,” he said. “I trust what they say to me – but I also back up the story with other people to make sure what I’m posting is legit.”

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