MindTeacher Offers Daily Deals on Online Self-Improvement Courses

By: Ali Raza  |   December 13th, 2012   |   Business, News

Since Groupon has introduced the business model of offering daily deals for various products, tons of such websites have mimicked it, and are now are offering daily deals in different regions. Denmark based startup, MindTeacher has a similar business model, offering superb discounts on online courses related to self improvement.


These self improvement courses offered by MindTeacher connect users to a variety of classes that range from language courses to cooking, skill improvement  and numerous others.


This unique idea came to Martin Fenge one of the developers of MindTeacher, who “has always been fascinated with self-improvement resources and has been a frequent reader of Timothy Ferris’ blog. Posts about both Noah Kegan’s AppSumo and digital products in general, gave him the idea for making a deal site for self-development that’s applied through digital courses.

The fact that people can access the courses from anywhere inspired him to take action on the idea,” as told by a team member.


However, when it comes to online self development classes there are thousands of websites, which are offering countless courses to people across the world, so the question now arises as to how MindTeacher is different from them?


Answering this question a team member behind this startup said, “There are A TON of online courses available, but it’s a jungle out there. How do you know which ones are high quality? MindTeacher serves as quality control for our users, since we do all the quality checks. On top of that, we negotiate discounted prices on these courses.”


In this way people who do not have time to go to a college or may not possess the finances to take a self development course, can find the right class at discounted rate by sitting at home. On top of it, MindTeacher caters both students and teacher. With this daily deal site, teachers can either sell themselves or sell online courses that require some extra push. So all you need to access MindTeacher is a laptop, PC, tablet or a smartphone. These tools are all used by the target audience of MindTeacher’s developers Martin, Sarunas and Sara Green.


Currently, along with the aforementioned three staff, there are six other team members involved in the project. Currently, they are juggling “the time between full-time jobs, studies” and this startup. Therefore, they have divided responsibilities among themselves, allowing them to manage MindTeacher in spite of having different schedules.


To the extent their future plans are concerned one the team member said that, “We’re getting ready to start putting up our first deals and moving towards promoting and featuring quality courses on a regular basis, and otherwise establishing our website as the go- to-place for those of you who want to improve yourself.”


Source: Nibletz

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