Bill Gates says Microsoft Failed in Mobile Market and Requires More Innovation

By: Ali Raza  |   February 19th, 2013   |   Business, News, Smartphones

Even though Microsoft’s co-founder and chairman, Bill Gates, is not involved in day to day matters of his company this does not mean that the seasoned entrepreneur has completely lost touch with his multinational corporation. Even after five years have past since he stepped down from his leadership position he still closely monitors the software giants progress. More importantly, Gates acknowledges both good and poor performances of his company and may be this is the reason why Microsoft is still rated as the number one company when it comes to producing software. The co-founder of Microsoft recently gave an interview on February 18th to CBS This Morning in which he was pretty candid. Gates gave a few blunt answers to the questions of host, Charlie Rose. When the host asked Gates if he is satisfied with the performance of his chief executive, Steve Ballmer, his reply was, “Well, he and I are two of the most self-critical people — you can imagine. And here were a lot of amazing things that Steve’s leadership got done with the company in the last year. Windows 8 is key to the future, the Surface computer. Bing, people are seeing as a better search product, Xbox.”


Then Rose asked, “– is it enough?” Gates said. “No, he and I are not satisfied that in terms of, you know, breakthrough things, that we’re doing everything possible.”


Performance of his chief executive was not the only thing about which Bill Gates spoke quite bluntly, but he also admitted that the world’s leading software development company also failed in nailing the mobile market when they had the chance. Gates said, “There’s a lot of things like cellphones where we didn’t get out in the lead early. We didn’t miss cellphones, but the way that we went about it didn’t allow us to get the leadership.” He said this approach was “clearly a mistake.”


The 57 year old co-founder did not give any indications about his company’s future plans during this interview, but such honest and candid answers from Gates does not come very often, especially since he had left the CEO post in Microsoft and shifted his focus towards charity. However, one thing is clear from Gates interview that Microsoft now has a clear focus on merging the Windows Phone and Windows by ensuring that its divisions work on the same goal in order to bring up the novelty that the software company needs.


Source: TheVerge, Cnet

Photo: MMW

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