BlackBerry Improves Search Functionality of BlackBerry World to Give Users Better Results

By: Ali Raza  |   March 20th, 2013   |   News, O Canada

BlackBerry has brought a number of changes to its app store, BlackBerry World, so that users can enjoy an improved search function of content in the catalogue by getting easy access to the top and most popular applications on its ecosystem. To educate users about the new changes BlackBerry has made a post on its Developers blog, according to which from now on its apps store will show keywords in the search that will highlight more apps. Moreover, users will now also get to see the ranking details of the apps, which comprises of user ratings and download numbers. These details will be included into the search results so the best apps could climb to the top.


According to TNW, “This is a big deal for app developers since a search for “action games”, for example, will return a list of apps within the action games category, as well as any apps that have the same words in their title. Likewise, searches that match company names will bring up a list of the vendor and its apps in the store.”


Besides this, the Waterloo-based company has also addresses the formatting problems on the product pages. In addition, BlackBerry has once again enabled the option of sorting applications by popularity and also re-introduced RSS feeds in the app store.


Here are the complete details of the changes that BlackBerry has made to its BlackBerry World app store, which will be available to the users from “this week”:


“Keywords – your content title, category name(s), and vendor name will automatically be added as keywords. For example, searches for ‘action games’ will return games in Games > Action category. Searches for “title” ”vendor” will find ”title” from ”vendor” – so searching for “Color ID Motek” will return Color ID.”


“Boost – With the changes, rankings will now include downloads and ratings information to help boost the ranking of the results. Note, downloads and ratings don’t determine whether your app appears in search results. That’s determined by title, keywords and short description – the search criteria. Downloads and ratings determine the search rank along with the search criteria. For example; all other criteria being equal, the app with the larger number of downloads will have the better ranking.”


The current number of apps on BlackBerry world is likely to touch 100,000 mark, as CEO of BlackBerry Thorsten Heins predicted that their app store will attain the number till the launch of BB10 in the US. Still 100,000 figure is way less than what other app stores of major platforms offer, as Google Play boasts 700,000 apps and Apple’s App Store houses 775,000 apps.


Source: TNW

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