BlackBerry Loses Two More Executives After Showing Disappointing Second Quarter Result

By: Ali Raza  |   July 20th, 2013   |   Business, News, O Canada, Smartphones

According to the latest update, two more BlackBerry executives have stepped down from their posts and the Waterloo-based company has wished “them all the best in their future endeavours,” in a statement. The Canadian smartphone maker has also admired the efforts of its former executives, T.A. McCann and Marc Gingras, as BlackBerry revealed that both of them played important roles in the launch of BB10, which has once again brought the company back into the business to some extent.


T.A. McCann was holding the office of vice president of social networks in BlackBerry and apart from this he was also handling the operations of the company’s various social apps and BlackBerry Messenger service. On the other hand, Marc Gingras was taking care of research and development of some important BB10 app like calendar and email. In addition to this, Gingras has also played a major role in one of the most well-known and favourite features of BB10, the Hub.


Both Gingras and McCann became a part of BlackBerry after the Canadian company got hold of their startups. After which these two entrepreneurs were assigned new tasks in the company. BlackBerry acquired back in 2011, which was founded by Gingras and purchased Gist during the same year which was founded by McCann.


The two top executive, are not the first ones to leave BlackBerry at a time when the company is once again under great pressure, and about a month ago the company’s manager of sales for the US market, Richard Piasentin also left the firm.

CEO Thorsten Heins and company have to come up with something new in order to stay in the game, but recent earnings of BlackBerry suggest this is an uphill battle. Perhaps it is because of this very reason Heins has asked shareholders of BlackBerry to have “patience”. Heins said that, “BlackBerry is still in the early phases of our transition. This isn’t just the launch of a new product but a whole new platform. While many will judge us on the basis of one quarter of a single product, we are not a devices-only product.”


However, it appears that majority of BlackBerry shareholders lost faith in the company, as even with the launch of brand new BB10 platform Heins and his team were not able to lure many customers. In fact according a Bloomberg report, BlackBerry’s customer base has plunged down to “72 million last quarter, from 76 million and 79 million in the preceding quarters.”


While, “BlackBerry’s share of the global smartphone market fell to 2.9 percent in March as it was bumped into fourth place by Microsoft Corp.’s Windows Phone platform, according to research firm IDC.”


Source: TechVibes, TechVibes

Photo: CNBC

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