Know About Cheap Start-up Advertising

By: Zain Nabi  |   February 23rd, 2013   |   Business

Advertising is an essential tool to make your business successful. Many big companies spend millions of dollars annually on their advertising budget, but the notion that advertising is always costly and expensive and that start-ups with low advertising budget cannot get the desired response is not worth consideration.


As a start-up, you have the same chance of utilising advertising platforms as any other big company. However, it must be clear to you that using your budget wisely is a key. In a guest post at OnStartups, Rob Walling, an entrepreneur and author of many books, tells us ways to effectively use advertising in a limited budget and get our job done.


Explaining his two advertising strategies, Rob tells that it is a good idea to stay in contact with your visitors, but there should be a way of doing so. For example, you ask your visitors to provide their email address and in return you can offer them something useful. If the visitors agree to provide their email address it means that they will not mind you contacting them again. This creates an air of confidence and develops a base for your next conversation with your potential customers.


Telling his second strategy, Rob asserts that advertising be used on a short-term basis, and instead of expecting loads of visitors over a long period, you must advertise your product/services/brands for a shorter period and use advertising as a testing tool. He says:


“Very few startups can withstand the cash outlay required to turn advertising into a marketing activity with positive ROI. Even if you figure it out, advertising is a volatile marketing medium. Prices increase rapidly in online advertising as new competition crops up or prospects grow bored of your ad and your click through rate drops. When this happens, all of the time you invested in optimizing your ad campaign is *poof*…gone. So instead of relying on ad traffic as an ongoing stream, use it for what it’s best at: the ability to generate a slew of visitors very quickly, and to be turned off just as quickly.”


You can use these two strategies to advertise product/services/brands, and some options that you must consider include Niche Advertising (focusing any specific aspect or market), Google AdWords, Facebook and other social networking websites. Remember, it is essential to know your audience and target a specific market when you advertise.


Photo: Tumblr

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