Cryoscope is an Innovative Weather Vane that Lets Users Feel the Weather Outside

By: Kevin Green  |   November 10th, 2012   |   Gadgets, Living

The Smart Home Green+Wired exhibit at Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry is a place that has all the latest technologies and designs to make a house one of the greenest in any city. The exhibit lets guests wander through three floors within the venue that feature innovative methods of living green and consuming less energy while producing lower emissions. One unique item on display is Robb Godshaw’s ‘Cryoscope’ which is a tactile weather vane. Instead of giving the user a read out of the temperature it allows the home owner to feel the temperature by touch.


The Cryoscope was a personal summer project for Godshaw and let’s people feel forecasted or current temperatures in different locations. The device doesn’t look anything like a traditional weather vane and is a unassuming looking 5″ aluminum cube. The metal surface of the Cryoscope cools down or heats up to the temperature it is trying to convey and has a range of 32°F to 108°F (0°C to 42°C).


Godshaw’s device has two settings. In the first mode the device uses thermal time shift to give the user the temperature for upcoming days. The thermal space shift gives the user the current temperature for any location that is specified. The device has several uses including some practical and some that are more nostalgic. A great way to utilize the Cryoscope is to check out forecasted temperatures for the day and then dress accordingly. Others can use it to keep in touch with their child hood homes by checking out the weather anytime they want for that location.


Source: PSFK

Photo: Robb Godshaw

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