Dennis Tito Plans To Become First Private Space Tourist On Mars

By: Talha Bhatti  |   February 22nd, 2013   |   News

Space has always captured human imagination and the space race of decades past had people’s attention all around the world. Recent times have seen the decline of global interest in space until NASA successfully landed a rover on Mars. The event was one of the most interesting news stories of the year with curious viewers from around the world watching the events unfold. Dennis Tito hopes to join the Curiosity rover on Mars as the first space tourist to go to the red planet. Tito came into the spotlight when he became the first private space traveler almost 12 years ago and now he wants to be the first to reach Mars on a 500 day round trip. The 72-year old multimillionaire will give more details about his plans in a press conference next week while his Inspiration Mars Foundation states that they have , “plans to take advantage of a unique window of opportunity to launch an historic journey to Mars and back in 501 days, starting in January 2018.”


Tito and his supporters expect to get the mission on its way in five years time which seems like a very short time frame considering that other private space missions have taken a lot longer to come to fruition. For example, SpaceX and Elon Musk require 10 years of research, planning and work to make their way to the International Space Station. Before that NASA and its deep pockets required a lot more than five years to land the first man on the moon.


The idea may seem impossible but Tito’s vision is inspiring and he expects that his plans will trigger an American Renaissance for science. The group states that, “This “Mission for America” will generate new knowledge, experience and momentum for the next great era of space exploration. It is intended to encourage all Americans to believe again, in doing the hard things that make our nation great, while inspiring youth through Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education and motivation.”


Tito spent a whopping $20 million to make his way into space the last time. He hitched a ride on a Russian rocket in 2001 but his latest plan to go to Mars may require a lot more than the first time trip. More details are expected from the millionaire engineer at a scheduled press conference on February 27.


Some details that are available show that two members that worked on the Biosphere 2 project will also be at the media junket. The controversial duo is now working with the Paragon Space Development Corporation to help the firm create life support and environmental control systems that will operate in very harsh environments. The best guess is that the team will be the ones developing the craft that will support Tito as he hurtles through space towards Mars and back. His comfort and health may be at the forefront of the conversation because Tito will be 77 years old when the mission is planned to launch.

Source: CNET

Image: Space Today

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