Elite: Dangerous Quickly Reaches $2 Million Goal On Kickstarter As Crowdfunding Platform Matures

By: Talha Bhatti  |   January 7th, 2013   |   Business, Games, News

Kickstarter is fast becoming the go to crowdfunding platform in many countries including the United Kingdom where the site has recently opened up shop. A recent report indicates that the UK Kickstarter has not taken too long to catch up with its other counterparts and a current project has broken several site records. Cambridge-based game developers Frontier Developments have successfully reached their funding goal of £1.25 million or $2 million within two days. The project, which asks for funds to develop a game called “Elite: Dangerous” is near closing and is coming close to $2.4 million in total funding.


The hype behind the project comes from the game Elite which was launched first in 1984. The games claim to fame was the fact that it was one of the most pseudo realistic space games at the time. The game also had some very innovative coding and development which allowed the game memory footprint to be a fraction of modern game requirements. The creator of Elite, David Braben, is spearheading the Kickstarter project and wants the latest edition to be a game that can be played online.


The Elite: Dangerous fund is not the first to reach the two million mark. Previously the Pebble smartwatch project destroyed its own $1 million to raise a total of $10 million for its project. However, those early successes came from a project going viral and not being overly ambitious. The success of Elite: Dangerous indicates that Kickstarter is now becoming accepted by funders and project teams as a location to get ambitious and innovative projects money. This can only be good news for entrepreneurs and investors.

Source: Fast Company

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