Facebook Announces Internet.org Initiative in Association with Top Tech Companies to Give Internet Access to Everyone

By: Ali Raza  |   August 28th, 2013   |   Business, News, Social Media

Mark Zuckerberg and company are looking to change the world by giving internet access to every person on the globe and with this purpose in mind, Facebook has announced a new initiative on Tuesday, August 20th by the name of Internet.org. This initiative will bring the benefits of the internet to everyone living on the planet through a group effort of top tech companies. Since this development was not possible without the aid of technology, Facebook has formed an alliance with different partners, which includes South Korean tech giant Samsung, Finnish mobile maker Nokia, Qualcomm, MediaTek, Opera and Ericsson.


These tech companies will help Facebook to begin the new Internet.org initiative, which according to the social networking site will also work with mobile operators, NGOs and tech firms in order to give everyone an affordable access to internet, to make data more efficient, accessible and most importantly cheaper technology.


According to the estimate of Facebook about two third of the globe or roughly 5 billion people in the world did not have access to internet and with Internet.org Zuckerberg and his partners are now looking to change this forever.


On this occasion here is what Zuckerberg has said in a press release, “Everything Facebook has done has been about giving all people around the world the power to connect. There are huge barriers in developing countries to connecting and joining the knowledge economy. Internet.org brings together a global partnership that will work to overcome these challenges, including making internet access available to those who cannot currently afford it.”


Below are few excerpts from the official press release of Facebook regarding the Internet.org initiative, which will give you some more details about the new project:


“Today, only 2.7 billion people – just over one-third of the world’s population — have access to the internet. Internet adoption is growing by less than 9% each year, which is slow considering how early we are in its development.


The goal of Internet.org is to make internet access available to the two-thirds of the world who are not yet connected.


The founding members of internet.org — Facebook, Ericsson, MediaTek, Nokia, Opera, Qualcomm and Samsung — will develop joint projects, share knowledge, and mobilize industry and governments to bring the world online. These founding companies have a long history of working closely with mobile operators and expect them to play leading roles within the initiative, which over time will also include NGOs, academics and experts as well.


Internet.org is influenced by the successful Open Compute Project, an industry-wide initiative that has lowered the costs of cloud computing by making hardware designs more efficient and innovative.”


Source: TNW, FaceBook

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