Facebook for BlackBerry v3.2 Available Now On BlackBerry App World

By: Talha Bhatti  |   September 18th, 2012   |   Living, Mobile Apps, News, O Canada, Smartphones, Social Media

The Official BlackBerry Blog announced on September 13 that Facebook would be releasing the 3.2 version of its app for BlackBerry OS. The upgraded Facebook app has a lot of new goodies for users of Research In Motion’s flagship BlackBerry smartphones. The latest app will be available for download on RIM’s BlackBerry App World soon.


The first visual update that BB users will encounter with the new Facebook offering is the refreshed icons. They have also been personalized so that the user’s Facebook profile picture appears in place of the profile icon. It is small touches like this that make the icons in the 3.2 version more personalized and fun to use.


Facebook for BlackBerry v3.2 has also given deeper integration between the app and the social network by creating simpler paths to keep up with your online life. One new feature that was sourly needed was the ability to sync the native BlackBerry calendar with the Facebok birthday reminder. With the latest upgrade, BB users do not need to log into Faceboook and can be notified about birthdays and other notifications through their phones calendar. Any users that o not want to use these feature can use the custom options and turn off the functionality easily.


In the same line of thought the developers have also given updates for the events function with alerts, message posting and guest profile viewing. Event notifications can also be received on the BlackBerry device allowing users to stay on top of all their events whether they are the fourth of July party with family or office birthday plans for the boss.

Source: Engadget

Photo: BlackBerry Blog

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