Foursquare Updates Mobile App To Include New 1-10 Rating System

By: Kevin Green  |   November 6th, 2012   |   Business, iOS, Mobile Apps, News, Social Media

On November 5 start-up firm Foursquare announced its latest updates for the company’s iOS app available in the Apple iTunes store. The location based social network now allows users to see a rating of 1 to 10 next to venues that they encounter through the Explore function. This rating is a way to gauge how other users of Foursquare feel about a location so that an individual can quickly make an educated decision.


Foursquare has created the new system by taking inspiration from their Explore function. The feature uses information from “tips, likes, dislikes, popularity, loyalty, local expertise, and nearly 3 billion check-ins from over 25 million people worldwide” to figure out what kind of rating to give the location. The company claims that the rating feature will get even more accurate and efficient as people check-in and use the Explore search function moving forward.


The new ratings setup is expected to set the company’s results apart from other sites where all locations end up having the same rating. This is an obvious tactic to create distinction between Foursquare competitor Yelp who uses a five star rating. Yelp uses a system that utilizes user input, with many critics stating that over time the rating ends up averaging out and not giving any useful information to the user. Foursquare’s 1 to 10 rating is expected to change this and actually give the user a more informed rating based on a plethora of data points.


Source: All Things D

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