Framebench Exits Private Beta To Offer Creative Agencys Real Time Collaboration Tools

By: Talha Bhatti  |   February 23rd, 2013   |   Business, News

Online collaboration tools are multiplying fast but most are for general purposes. Framebench has taken a different approach and has focused on real-time creative collaboration, communication and sync to launch its platform for digital agencies and creative design firms. Framebench’s CEO, Rohit Agarwal, claims his company’s service is like Google Docs for the creative agency’s of the world. He states, “Before Google Docs came into existence, you would probably email a document, and [a collaborator] would review it and send it back. Then came Google Docs, where in real-time you could communicate with the other person and edit a document together. The key innovation there was the real-time component using technologies that were very, very new. That’s where the web is moving now.”


Agarwal says that other services that are providing collaboration tools for the sector are still stuck in “asynchronous” models. The ability to deal with content in real-time and communicate through chat and voice while working on a task is a big difference. Framebench has taken online document creation and added design editing functions along with chat and voice services.

Users connect to an online dashboard where they browse projects they are working on and upload documents. Tools include editing tools like annotations, freestyle markup, and file versioning. For now users can use the built in chat to talk to each other and by next week a WebRTC-based web conferencing feature will be added.


Agarwal states that in order to get acceptance in the market their system needs to work well with the current tools users are subscribing to and Framebench is offering integration with Basecamp, Dropbox and Clear. The firm has also just signed a partnership with a startup PowToon and any videos developed using that platform will soon get a feature on Framebench.

The New Delhi-based startup has seven employees and is planning to expand further. They are looking for User Interface professionals and a sales staff to help develop leads and partnerships. Framebench has 1,250 users who are still using the company’s free trial which wil expire soon. The company is trying to convince clients to switch to the paid version for $19 per month.


the company has put in $150,000 of its own money along with investments from VC firms like Blume Ventures and angel investors like Maneesh Bhandari, Anuj Pulstya, and Jai Natarajan.

Source: TechCrunch

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