Google Patents Technology That Can Automatically Recognize Objects in Video

By: Talha Bhatti  |   September 5th, 2012   |   Business, Google, Living

The current spat of patent wars between the large technology firms around the world highlight the severe competition that has gripped the market in the last couple of years. In a bid to out do each other, firms like, Apple, Samsung, Oracle and Google have been trying to gain or protect patents so that they can have an edge over their rivals. Google has recently gained such an advantage by successfully receiving a patent for a technique that will allow it to recognize both living and non-living objects in a video.


Previous news has shown that Google has used a strategy in which it has tried to develop new technologies for sectors it believes will see growth in the future and has worked to gain patents for the technologies that it develops. One particular area that Google has focused on is online video and related technology. Ever since Google acquired You Tube, it has been working tirelessly to derive monetary benefits from the massive video site. News has already been circulating that the California based search giant has been working on patents for face detection systems  and Melody Identification for videos. However, the patent for object recognition may be a very import win for the company.


The techniques works by utilizing “feature vectors” that will be saved in a data base. These characteristics can include color, movement, shape and texture that will be used to identify objects in videos. Common traits will be used to tag each object in the video with out the creator having to tag each and every object manually every time. This is a time saving technique will also learn from the tags that video makers will add over time making it more accurate.


The visual ranking system does not have any official purpose but it can easily be assumed that the new technique should automate the keywords that video creators have to add to their content. It may also be used to get rid of Spam videos and non-original content.


Source: Engadget


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