Google Chairman Eric Schmidt Shares His Views at the Dive Into Mobile 2013 Conference

By: Jeff Stewart  |   April 18th, 2013   |   Google, News

The Dive Into Mobile conference of AllThingsD lasted two days and during that time numerous top role models from the tech industry took the stage and answered different questions, aside from addressing the audience. Google’s Chairman, Eric Schmidt was also among the guests who hit the stage at AllThingsD’s Dive Into Mobile conference. During his time in the spot light Schmidt not only shared his knowledge on Android with the audience he also answered questions that ranged from developing markets to merits and demerits of technology as well as privacy of users’ data and his views on North Korea. Here is what Schmidt actually said at the conference:


“320 operators, 160 countries, 700,000 apps in the Play Store, and 1.5 million sales / activations of Android every single day. We’ll cross a billion towards the end of this year. That gives you a sense of the reach. Android is the primary vehicle of smartphones — we’ll quickly get to the $100 price point, which is the key for those next five billion people looking to get connected.”


Schmidt has recently visited North Korea and according to him, “I’ve never been to a place so thought-controlled. I don’t think we’ll ever know what’s really going on in that country … I didn’t wear Google Glass there because I didn’t want to freak people out and there are a lot of guns there.”


Talking about developing markets he said that, “In the developing world, we’re getting products launched with pre-loaded content in native languages. In our own world, we talk about the explosion of bandwidth, but that’s greater than the developing world. In that world, just going from no bandwidth to any bandwidth — that’s huge. In Burma, getting medical information to these people helps them become their own doctors in a sense. That’s huge.”


According to him technology is changing society, as “Humans are naturally optimistic and clever. If the police are corrupt, people will figure out a way to see what the cops are up to — we see this in Mexico. With mobile devices, we’re empowering individuals. For the overwhelming number of people in the world, it’s a huge improvement.”


Explaining the downside of technology he said, “The truth about technology is that it’s relatively neutral with an empowerment bias. So, it’s easy to come out with a positive view. But, there are things you have to manage — terrorism, etc. When Bell invented the phone, he didn’t make clear that criminals could use the phone to engage in crime. When we built the internet, we didn’t say that it was for everyone except those who want to criticize the government [as in China]. The best one is Iran — last week they said they didn’t like Google Earth, so they’re building their own. I guess they’ll call it Iranian Earth, and they’ll probably delete a few things… like Israel. It’s just madness.”


Lastly Schmidt shed the light on privacy by saying that, “Google has a responsibility to keep your data secure. You have a responsibility to keep your password secure and not install malware. With respect to your personal information, we allow you to take it out. The other thing is that we’re careful about when we use your information and we tell you that. We disclose what we do with your information, and we adhere to published principles. We have an absolute responsibility to keep your data secure. We spend a tremendous amount of time inside Google talking about these tradeoffs. We have very clear and documented policies on how we use them.”


Source: 9to5Google

Photo: 9to5Google

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