Sergey Brin Appears at TED 2013 with Google Glass And Criticizes Smartphones

By: Ali Raza  |   February 28th, 2013   |   Gadgets, Google, News, Smartphones

Google Glass is basically a product from Google’s futuristic Glass Project that has created a lot of buzz by claiming to enable users to perform similar tasks which they can do through their smartphones, but without using their hands. Therefore, everyone is curious about the latest invention from Google and wants a piece of the hot tech. The co-founder of Google, Sergey Brin, took advantage of the situation and has been often spotted using the augmented reality head-mounted display (HMD) device at a number of occasions. Although, Google has held a couple of hackathons to allow developers to practically use the Google Glass, the device is still not available for consumers. Therefore, whenever Brin makes an appearance wearing these futuristic spectacles it always grabs headlines. So when Brin hit the stage at the annual media and tech conference, TED 2013, in Long Beach, California on Wednesday, February 27th with the glasses he was again able to catch the limelight.


However, this time the co-founder did not just go out to show off the glasses, he also made an aggressive statement during his speech at TED 2013. According to the people who were tweeting live from the event, while comparing the augmented reality head-mounted display (HMD) device with smartphones Brin reportedly said that today’s handsets are “emasculating” and “clumsy and awkward for humans.”


Bruce Upbin of Forbes reported some of what Google’s co-founder said on that occasion:


“This act of looking down at my phone is one of the reasons behind Glass. We questioned whether you should be walking around looking down. That was the vision behind Glass and that’s why we created this form factor. (…) When we made this we thought, ‘Can we make something that frees your hands and frees your eyes.’ That’s why we put the display up high and out of your line of sight so you can make eye contact with people.


The sound conducts through the bones in your cranium to free up your ears. If you want to hear it better you cover up your ears, which is surprising.  Our original vision at Google was eventually to get rid of the search query and you’d just get the information you need when you need it. Fifteen years later this is first form factor that delivers on that vision. The project has lasted just over 2 years. We’ve learned lot.”


According to The Verge, Brin also said that mobile phones have become a “nervous habit,” and confessed that he whips his cellphone out when he is involved in some important work, but with Google Glass users would not need to do so. In addition to this, Brin also told the audience sitting at the TED that his company has plans to release Google Glass in later in 2013 and it will be offered at a price of $1,500.


Source: 9to5Google

Photo: Exp.Lore

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