Google’s Engineering Director Predicts in 20 Years Human Beings will be Able to Live Forever through Advancements in Technology

By: Ali Raza  |   June 19th, 2013   |   Google, News

The engineering director of Google, Ray Kurzweil, is known for making bold predictions and he has never shied away from predicting the future of technology. It is because of this mind-set Kurzweil has grasped the headlines on numerous occasions and recently he has made another interesting prediction regarding technology which has brought him back into the lime light. The engineering director has said that the advancement in medical technology will enable us to live a never-ending life within 20 years. Kurzweil gave this statement while talking to the media at the Global Future 2045 World Congress event. According to CNBC, Google’s engineering director predicted that the with the pace medical developments are taking place soon the life expectancy will continue to increase and no one will ever die.


Here is what Kurzweil has exactly said, “The life expectancy was 20 years 1,000 years ago. … We doubled it in 200 years. This will go into high gear within 10 and 20 years from now, probably less than 15 we will be reaching that tipping point where we add more time than has gone by because of scientific progress …”

On this occasion Kurzweil also gave an example of “combing the stem cells with 3D printers to enable on-demand replacement of human tissue and the concept of reprogramming biology,” according to 9to5Google.


Kurzweil said, “There’s already fantastic therapies to overcome heart disease, cancer and every other neurological disease based on this idea of reprogramming the software. These are all examples of treating biology as software. …These technologies will be a 1,000 times more powerful than they were a decade ago. …These will be 1,000 times more powerful by the end of the decade. And a million times more powerful in 20 years.”


Initially Kurzweil’s idea sounds ridiculous, but more one reads his thinking, the more it starts to feel real as today advancement in technology has enabled human beings to not only replace their body organs but has enabled them to find cures for previously incurable diseases, which is in short extending our lives. However, there is also a dark side of this idea which is that if Kurzweil’s prediction proves true and human beings find a way to live forever through technology then, it will become almost impossible for the governments across the world to control the population rate. Already, controlling the population of the world has become a headache for many authorities around the world.


Source: 9to5Google

Photo: TNW

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