Guavus Offers Telcos The Ability To Process Big Data In Real Time

By: Talha Bhatti  |   December 8th, 2012   |   Business, News

Anukool Lakhina founded Guavus in 2006 to help solve the problem of processing petabytes of data that networks generate via mobile phones. In his previous role working on a research project, The CEO of Guavus was looking at Sprint network data that needed to be shipped to him in a FedEx truck every day. The task took a long time back then and as the amount of data being produced by cell phones has increased the analysis process has only gotten longer. To resolve the issue, Guavus has built a software platform that does real-time analysis of streaming data.


Lakhina’s firm states that its proprietary analysis tool can deal with an enormous amount of data as it is sent to the platform and can also match it to stored data at the same time. This ability lets users pinpoint issues and problems in real time as opposed to waiting for reports that may show up days or weeks later. Guavus has developed a new product using this technology that aims to help telcos process half a petabyte of data every day and match it in real time to their subscribers. Lakhina refers to this as “DPI-level insights.”


The technology allows a telco operator to match exactly what subscriber is watching or view specific pieces of content on a network. To subscribers this may not seem important but to networks this is a tool that can help them quell problems and make their networks more efficient.


Telcos will have a tool that lets them verify if subscribers are using the network as agreed upon in the contracts. They can also figure out where they need to put capacity to relieve the load on certain areas of the network. The companies can react to network capacity problems in real time and save money instead of waiting for analysis that may come after a problem has caused network outages.


According to the Guavus CEO the tool can also be used to help customers stay within their packages. The abilities of the platform can help pinpoint exactly what activity the customer did to go over their limits. This can help the customer either stop the activity or increase their package to cover the activity, maki it valuable to all parties.


Source: GigaOM

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